Do More of What You Love

How do you define success?  Most people do with two usual suspects on the scene: wealth and status.  

If that’s your definition, guess what?  Great!  That is…if it’s how you’ve chosen to write your success story…

I’m struck by how few people call into question their personal version of success.  We do it all the time with our health, our relationships, and our political preferences.  For example, if something in your diet is causing a strange reaction or doesn’t taste good, chances are you steer clear of that something in the future.  Or if a relationship feels toxic or disrespectful, you’d likely address the issue at hand, or, even part ways after a while if it gets bad enough.  

Hopefully, at some point along the way we call into question what no longer aligns with our values and ceases to work for us.  This is what showing up and advocating for ourselves looks like. 

After all, as humans, we have the distinct freedom and responsibility to write and revise our stories over time.  It’s what sets us apart from animals.  

So why do we hold so tightly to this narrow definition of success?  Besides, some of the most successful people I’ve ever known don’t necessarily measure theirs by a bank balance or a Kardashian-sized social media following.  Instead, they make waves in far more lasting, impactful ways.  

I believe the litmus test for success is based on character rather than clout. I also believe we get to define our own version of success based on the person we’re becoming.  

When was the last time you took inventory of your definition? If it’s been awhile, perhaps it’s time to revisit.  After all, with age comes wisdom (we hope) and often shifting values.  

If in your 20’s and 30’s success looked like that big job on Wall Street or a record deal with a major label, it might have shifted to meaningful relationships or creative expression in your 40’s and 50’s.  Who knows?  

Well, you do…

Here are a few pillars to build your new success story around.  Push them around.  Color them in a bit. 

  1. Health: Our health is the foundation of all other functions in life.  Life is a much better place when we feel good.  I’m not only talking about physical health, but emotional as well as spiritual.  

  2. Contentment: The ability to cultivate contentment despite our circumstances is true badassery in my book.  The secret sauce in this recipe—gratitude and presence.  

  3. Self-Awareness: This is one of the biggest indicators of success and tools like the Enneagram create a positive ripple effect. 

  4. Generosity: Giving back through time and resources is intrinsically a selfish act if you think about it.  The practice of generosity gives an instant hit of purpose and joy if done from a place of honesty.  

  5. Do more of what you love! This might sound frivolous, but it’s what helps to create positive momentum and energy in your life.  It’s what helps us stay inspired.  It’s what fans the flame to stay committed.  The more we commit to doing what we love, the more we attract joy and like-minded others to share the journey with.

As we create space in our lives to do more of what we love, we are better able to release the need for something outside of ourselves to make us feel successful.