Space to Ponder

If you live in Nashville, you know that it is frozen solid, offering her inhabitants some forced down time, or the chance to bravely (?) slide around those icy streets (not recommended). So, how are we doing? Personally, after a week of being sick, I have traded in my flu symptoms fora case of  good ole’ cabin fever.  Neither is ideal, but I’ll take cabin fever over the flu any day!

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The Power of Ritual (Desire)

The enemy of art is the absence of limitations.

-Orson Welles

What is it that drives you?  What gets you out of bed each morning?  Perhaps it is a steaming hot cup of coffee, or the inevitable 8am commute to that blessed place called work, or training for a 10k, or… love? I am talking about that thing you love and desire more than anything else.  It’s the thing that makes us depressed and edgy when we ignore it, yet freaked out and energized when we embrace it.

I am still trying to fully define this for myself, so if you are clueless, don’t worry…you’re not alone.  More and more though, I think what drives me on many levels is healing and beauty.  As broad as those may seem, it’s what I keep coming back to.  It seems once we hone in on an area of interest, or the general concepts behind it, we can experiment and tease out the specifics over time.

For example, despite the fact that beauty and healing are pretty nebulous, I have learned that they really do show up in most of my daily focus.  This can look like working with clients in a counseling setting or communicating through writing and/or song, or maybe even creating a space for others to enjoy it while connecting over a dinner table (assuming my cooking turns out beautifully).  Thankfully, I havelearned that our drive, calling, passion, whatever you call it, doesn’t have to look a certain way.  We can get rid of the boxes.  Calling is birthed in desire and nurtured through ritual.  It’s far less complicated than we make it.

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The Power of Ritual #2

Happy Summer!

I know.  It’s been awhile.  I will go ahead and confess to you that I have massively fallen off the morning ritual wagon, hence, the silence. Not only that, but I have found that the further I have fallen, the more daunting the distance to get back on track.  We call that the old all or nothing thinking.”  I am my own study in terms of tackling the stuff we talk about on this platform as well as in a therapeutic setting. That said, I am taking my own insufficiency and putting it on the dissecting table for us all to poke holes in.  (I hope that didn’t gross anyone out.)

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