Drumroll, Please...Announcing The Practice!


As we move through the final week of 2020, I can’t think of a better time to announce my new self-care subscription called The Practice! I told you a bit about it last week and thought it a good idea to give you a little demo, so you can test drive the basics of the program for yourself. I also want to give you a breakdown of what you will get when you subscribe.

As I mentioned last week, the practice is a self-development toolkit that combines practical ways to use the Enneagram, mindfulness, and self-compassion in your daily experience in order to truly thrive and create the optimal life and relationships you desire.

  • The Practice is for anyone who wants to better understand themselves and become the absolute best version of who they are. It’s for those longing to deepen their level of self-awareness and lead their lives with intention and confidence. It’s for anyone who is ready to love and accept themselves as well as improve overall health and wellbeing, mind, body, and spirit.

  • It’s a monthly subscription full of personalized meditations for enneagram type and targeted to help you cultivate more presence and grounding in your life. It also combines the power of writing and self-compassion to fine-tune your self-care regimen and soften that often harsh inner dialog that keeps us stuck. You’ll also have access to candid conversations with experts in their field in the wellness and enneagram world.

  • I’d love for you to sign up for the waiting list now because let’s face it, New Year’s is right around the corner, and keeping those Resolutions can be tough! Yet 2021 holds so much hope and opportunity waiting to be harnessed. If you are like me, you need a plan and some continued support in order to achieve the personal goals you’ve wanted to meet year after year.

Here’s a breakdown of what you’ll receive each month in your subscription:

  • A weekly guided meditation and self-compassion practice

  • Daily journaling prompts

  • Weekly “pep talk,” check-ins & support

  • Monthly Zoom teaching with Enneagram and wellness experts

You’ll also gain access to nine unique meditations designed for each Enneagram type (yes, you’ll get all nine!).

I wanted to give you a little taste of what it will be like, so here is a link to test drive one of the meditations. After you listen to the meditation, I want you to stay in that quiet space to reflect on this journal prompt: My biggest takeaway from 2020 was ____________ (write for 10-30 minutes).

If you sign up in the first month, you’ll get a locked-in price of $14.99/month as opposed to $19.99. And this is just the beginning. I’ve got so much more material that will drop later in the spring so get excited!

You are meant to thrive, not merely survive. This is your opportunity to tap into a more vibrant, unhindered experience. I can’t wait to share this journey with you. We officially kick it off Monday, January 4th. Click here to be the first to know.

Love & Gratitude, 
