The Fall Edit...7 Ways To Up Your Wellness Game


Fall is undoubtedly my favorite season. I feel a bit like Mr. Fitzgerald in that life seems to offer a second, and equally romantic, Spring, or new beginning when early October rolls around. Yet I’m also well acquainted with the struggles and temptations that come along with the changing seasons. The days get shorter, schedules mount up, self-care tends to wane, and I often feel a dank, subtle chill of loneliness sneak in.

Have you struggled much with seasonal depression?

I have…big time. That said, I’ve learned the hard way how vital it is to intentionally manage expectations and routines in order to stay connected to daily hope and healing. In light of this, I like to send out a Fall Edition of sorts—full of new ideas and opportunities to stay on top of our self-care game as we head into the coming months. If you follow fashion, it’s a bit like that thick, fresh, September Vogue edition boasting fall’s most delicious offerings. Pure magic.

This year, I’m more excited than ever to explore some new ways of connecting to yourself and your community in life-giving ways.

Too often we’re tempted into autopilot—that sleepy trance of contained chaos—and end up just going through the motions. I don’t know about you, but I want to feel alive and awake in my experience this fall, savoring each moment like a gift—or that inaugural pumpkin spice latte.

Here are a few ideas to support you in this pursuit. I think you’ll find something you can enjoy despite the hectic demands of the season.


Are you looking for ways to deepen your knowledge of the Enneagram, build new relationships, and do powerful therapeutic work in a safe environment? If so, the Bloom Group is for you. This monthly group is a blend of experiential group therapy and an Enneagram deep dive. Not only is it completely confidential and intimate (10 people per group), we use the construct of the Enneagram to understand our unique stories and write a hopeful, compelling next chapter. Loneliness is an epidemic in our culture and seems to show up at every corner, especially in fall and winter months. Bloom Group is a grounding opportunity to get ahead of that ache. For more info or to sign up, click here.


Neuroscience and brain-based therapies have become a huge passion of mine throughout the past several years. I’ve learned that oftentimes when we feel stuck in the past or a painful emotional experience, we can’t merely talk our way out of it in therapy. We need something deeper—more effective and transformative—to compliment the process.

This fall, I’m beyond thrilled to partner with NeurofeedbackNashville and offer you an opportunity to heal in a deeper way without working so hard in therapy. Neurofeedback is a totally passive, restful experience that provides the following results (to name a few):

  • Increased self-awareness as your brain witnesses itself and its patterns in real-time

  • When the brain gains that self-awareness it can mindfully choose its preferred optimal responses to life rather than defaulting to the same old feedback loops

  • As you continue training, this resilience—rather than reactivity—becomes a new unconscious skill

  • You feel calmer (or more focused, joyful, or whatever it is that your unique brain knows you need) without having to work so hard in talk therapy

I’ve been using Neurofeedback now for the last several months during my pregnancy and continue to be amazed by the results. More and more, I see my best self emerge and feel increased clarity and calmness. Curious? Check out this animated video and use code (HALFOFFTRAIN) when scheduling to enjoy 50% off your first session.


Much like Nashville’s very own Central Park, Radnor Lake is a picturesque pocket of nature with several serene trails to choose from if you’re looking for an excuse to get outside and behold the stunning leaves and light. It’s been something of a sanctuary for me throughout the 24 years I’ve lived in Nashville. The wildlife is rocking as well! Don’t be surprised to encounter plenty of deer and turkeys on the trail. Exercise and nature are two highly grounding components in life. Radnor allows you to fully experience the benefits of both.


This Holiday season starting in November, I’m inviting you into an eight-week meditation challenge. You’ll receive a (free!) meditation each week with a specific grounding focus. For example, gratitude, self-compassion, presence, creativity, expectations, rest, etc. Meditation is an incredible way to deepen self-awareness, foster a sense of calm, as well as build out resilience in the midst of chaos. Plus, there will be a fun surprise give-a-way at the end of the year you WON’T want to miss!! Stay tuned for more on this.


We don’t often realize it, but we wear our emotions on our face. As skin is our biggest organ and we lead with our lovely faces, it’s been fun to explore ways of taking care of mine, especially the older I get. With acne-prone, sensitive skin, I’ve struggled to find a good fit that won’t break the bank. Recently I learned of a holistic esthetician, Kari Zwickel, aka The Nourishing Skin Coach. She uses a completely different holistic approach to the skin, working with what’s already happening as opposed to forcing harsh, targeted treatments as a bandaid. She’s a wizard and a true teacher. Each time I’ve gone to see her, I feel like I’ve had a transformational mind-body-spirit experience. I also see my hormonal skin settling down and radiance start to emerge. For an intro into her method, don’t miss her fall skincare workshop. Coming up on Sept. 17th!


Do you struggle to know (for sure) what your Enneagram type is? If so, you’re not alone. Oftentimes, it can take months if not years to land on your true type. Let’s face it, there’s no such thing as a pure type. We’ve got a bit of every type tucked away inside. Some feel larger than others and yes, there is one that actually leads. One of my favorite ways of helping clients move deeper into the transformational work of the Enneagram is to support them in identifying their type using a unique typing inquiry process. We experience suffering when we make up limiting stories about our pain. I believe knowing and living from the true story about who we are is absolutely vital. Understanding our Enneagram type gets us one step closer to that truth. Interested? I’d love to chat.


I heard Richard Rohr once say, “If I’m not practicing constant gratitude, I become totally resentful.” Can I get an “Amen?” Unrealistic expectations, comparison with others, and lack of boundaries can leave us hardened, closed off to the joy of each moment. Keeping a gratitude journal is the perfect antidote to said temptations. You can use a journal from Target or buy a more structured one on Amazon. My favorite? The 5-minute journal. I believe gratitude is the ultimate pivotal powerplay. It can shift our focus from lack to abundance in a split second. It provides an opening—or way out—from the stuck, thin spaces we find ourselves in.

That’s a wrap! I can’t wait to hear how you’re taking care of you this fall…and maybe I’ll even see you soon at Radnor (with a stroller in tow)! :)

Love & Gratitude,
