The Holiday Edit: 5 of My Favorite Things (Discounted!)


If there is something I hear from clients like a broken record, it’s this: I need tools.

I love hearing this because I’m a firm believer that the reason we don’t see the progress we’d like in therapy is that we lack ongoing support outside the therapy office. Whatever we practice we improve, however, we often get in the habit of leaving all the insight and growth we experience in session, well, right there in the session.

You wouldn’t expect to go to the gym twice a month and see the results you desire without any additional changes made. Quite the contrary. Our results depend on diet, metabolism, consistency, accountability, and mindset just to name a few.

And so it is with our emotional fitness. We need tools: practices and resources to bake into our daily lives that support the change we seek.

I know, I know. We are in the 11th hour of 2020 and the tendency is to coast right past the finish line into the new year (especially this one!).

So, I want to share my top five resources with you to help you finish strong and wake up on New Year’s feeling clear and ready for the dawn of a new day. I don’t know about you, but I’ve got some big goals and desires!

Without further ado, here are my 5 favorite wellness resources to help us round this corner:

1) Meditation Apps: Mindfulness practices like meditation are my favorite way to stay grounded on a regular basis. There are endless health benefits that I don’t have space here to share, yet in a general sense, they are the best way to grow the inner observer inside that allows us to connect to more self-awareness and calm. If you are looking for a way to understand yourself in a deeper way and gain more clarity and confidence, it’s the perfect time to start a meditation practice. My two tops are the Waking Up App as well as Headspace.

2) Streaming Exercise memberships: With COVID-19 continuing to spike and so many gyms closing their doors until it’s safe to reopen, our need for movement is greater than ever. We must not let up on exercise just because we’re in the home stretch of 2020 and there’s a solid sugar coma waiting at every turn. In fact, depression and anxiety are spiking right along with COVID cases. Physical exercise is crucial for us to process unruly emotions and regulate stress. I’ve been a Tracy Anderson method fanatic for over a decade now, so her streaming membership is my go-to. Another favorite is Mellisa Wood Health for amazing yoga classes and more. Both offer free trials!

3) The Enneagram Masterclass: My friend Beatrice Chestnut, author of The Complete Enneagram, and her business partner Uranio Paes, have created a brilliant masterclass chock full of Enneagram teaching and tools for transformation. It’s a fabulous gift idea for your eager enneagram buddies too! Use code KATIEG75 at checkout for $75 USD off. 

4) Fathoms: An Enneagram Podcast:  If you are an Enneagram enthusiast who wants to take your knowledge to a deeper level, this is a beautiful place to start. My friends, Dr. Drew Moser, Seth Abram, and Seth Creekmore, combine forces to journey beyond information and share tools for transformation.

5) Rediscovering You: Last but definitely not least is an online course by Onsite called Rediscovering You. Onsite is a phenomenal wellness organization right outside of Nashville. I went through their flagship program, Living Centered, back in 2010 and can honestly say it changed my life on many levels. This year they have developed a six-week self-guided digital course to help you break the cycles that keep you stuck so you can move forward with a renewed sense of clarity, freedom, and direction. Registration is open now and the course begins on January 4th.  Use code KATIEG at checkout for an additional $100 off the already reduced price of $497!

Alright my friends, I hope these will serve as an extra nudge this season to give yourself the gift of self-care in a time we need it most! I’d love to hear your feedback as well! You know where to find me :)

P.S. I am beyond thrilled to add a #6 to the mix in early January! Stay tuned for a brand new resource full of therapeutic tools in just a few weeks!