New Holiday Meditation! How to Find Acceptance

The whole notion of acceptance can be tricky.  After all, if we accept something in our lives, doesn’t that mean we then subscribe to it, caving to its longterm effects?

If I’m feeling anxious or lonely this time of year, doesn’t accepting that make me weak or irresponsible? 

Quite the contrary. 

In order to experience change on any level, we must become aware of what we want to see change and accept that it is indeed there!  We won’t gain anything by resisting and pretending it doesn’t exist!  

By resisting uncomfortable emotions and realities in our lives, we only prolong what we resist.  As a result, we also create tension in our bodies that creates all kinds of long-term negative outcomes down the road.  Instead, we must learn to be on our own team, lovingly accepting our experience, rather than constantly judging from a place of shame. 

If we want to do better for ourselves and those around us, we must soften, opening up to “what is.”  It is through this soft and receptive acceptance we can consciously choose something better. 

Today’s meditation is a practice that will guide you through the process of acceptance.  I use the word practice very intentionally!  Why?  Because whatever we practice we become better at.  My hope this holiday season is not that we will chase an unrealistic expectation of constant merry and bright (though there may be more of that than normal).  My hope is that no matter what your experience, you will practice allowing and accepting it.  From that place of acceptance, we can collectively create something new and meaningful. 

Love & Gratitude,
