enneagram 101 resources

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More Insight & Tools about the Enneagram await!

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Additional Resources

Take the Enneagram Test

The Chestnut Paes Sullivan Compass Test is Katie’s recommended test for discovering your Enneagram Type and diving deeper with a comprehensive report.

The Practice

Katie’s monthly subscription program - developed as a self-compassion toolkit focusing on integrating the Enneagram with everyday self-care.

- Guided Videos, Meditations & Daily Journal Prompts added to the dashboard weekly with instant access to over 110 Meditations, 800 Journal Prompts, and 140 Videos
- Monthly Yoga / Movement Videos
- Expert Interviews with Enneagram Experts like Beatrice Chestnut, Ian Cron, Renee Rosario, Sarajane Case, & more.
- Monthly Group Coaching Calls with Katie

All for just $19.99/month


NEED TO Get in Touch with Katie?

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