KatieGustafson.Co | The Practice

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2021, Hello Gorgeous

I’ve been itching to say these words for a while now: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Whereas tangibly nothing is different and the clock just rolls over as it does every December 31st, what does seem to change is our mindset—how we approach time.

There’s a stirring in the air, a blank slate if you will, and yet nothing has really changed. 

Interesting isn’t it?

I love what Meister Eckhart said, “Be willing to be a beginner every single morning.” A new year presents the invitation to begin again. I believe every morning presents the same life-giving invitation as well. It’s an opportunity to live wholeheartedly, with purpose and curiosity. It’s the opportunity to step into your God-given shoes of worthiness no matter what is achieved, accomplished, or lost.

You see, you are the hero of your own journey. In every single good story, the hero is met with upending challenges that test belief, identity, and most of all, hope. And yet you, the hero, have the opportunity to begin again, every single day, with fresh vision and commitment.

I’d love to be your guide this year on the blog. I’d love to support you with tools, practices, and self-care opportunities I have been creating for a while. You can expect to gain short, practical insights every Tuesday that make it just a bit easier to show up for yourself—and be with yourself—in a courageous and loving way.

I’ll also be offering online Enneagram and self-care classes each month for a deeper self-development dive.

Of course, I’d love for you to join me in my new monthly subscription program called The Practice, if you’re interested in creating structure and accountability as you set out to meet the goals and intentions you’ve set for yourself this year. The Practice is a self-care toolkit that combines practical ways to use the Enneagram, mindfulness, and self-compassion in your daily experience.

Wherever you decide to join me, I want you to know how grateful I am to be a part of your wellness journey. It’s such an honor to have your company.

I’ll leave you with a question:

If you continue on the self-development path you are on, where would you like to be a year from now? What does your life look like? What’s different? The same?

I’d love to hear your answers! Drop me a line if you’d like. 

Alright, friends! It’s showtime...

Love & Gratitude,


P.S. Registration for The Practice is now open. Register today.