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The Healing Power of Movement

Today you’re in for a treat! I’m bringing my pal Koula Callahan, master yoga instructor and speaker for the Self-Care Workshop, on the blog to share why movement, namely yoga, is incredibly powerful and important for us to practice as we move through our days. If you’ve always wondered what all the fuss is about yoga —and why it is really effective, today is the day—you’re going to get some answers.  

Let’s dive right into my chat with Koula!

1) KG: So how does movement help regulate/process emotions?

KC: Movement is a critical part of the healing journey. So many of us forget to incorporate and listen to our bodies as we try to process emotions and hardships and we wonder why we keep feeling stuck. There’s a reason though — our entire life’s story is stored in our cells and in our body tissues. And each part of the body shares with our brain the responsibility of memory. In fact, our bodies store more information than our brains do. So if we try to process our emotions only by accessing our brains, we miss out on an enormous amount of “data” stored in our bodies that actually helps us more than our brains do. Movement helps us tap into that reservoir of “data” and develop a more integrated approach to processing emotions. 

2) Why yoga?  What’s all the fuss?

KC: Gosh. Yoga is so freaking helpful for so many reasons. Aside from being a killer workout (long lean muscle development!!), it’s the only movement practice that focuses on presence and awareness first. A lot of people think that they “aren’t good at yoga” because they aren’t flexible. That is so not true. It’s not about flexibility, it’s not about strength, it’s not about whether or not you can touch your toes. The physical practice of yoga is all about connecting with yourself and bringing the mind, body and spirit into union with one another. Focusing on presence and awareness from moment to moment makes the practice a moving mediation. I think that’s what’s hardest about it. You have to face the truth of what’s really going on with yourself. And you also get killer abs and triceps :) 

3) KG: Why should we be practicing yoga?

KC: Yoga reduces anxiety and stress, helps us sleep better, regulates our hormones, flushes out our organs, boosts our immune systems, etc, etc, etc. The benefits are tremendous. Honestly though, I suggest practicing yoga with consistency because it keeps you grounded in a time when everything seems chaotic. This simple, practical tool is available to everyone to help us stay calm and balanced regardless of what might be going on in our lives or families. 

4) KG:   Why is yoga so important to you as a teacher and participant? How did you come to find it? 

KC:  My yoga practice has been the through line of my life as an adult. It’s the tool I rely on most to “self-regulate” my emotions regardless of what’s going on around me. When I come to my mat, it forces me to get present and simplify things that I have made way too complex in my life. When sh*t hits the fan in my life, my yoga mat becomes my little sanctuary where I can pay attention to how I feel and nourish myself. I really do notice when I go a few days without it — my sleep is off, I’m more irritable and less kind to myself. I love teaching for many reasons, one of which is what I learn from my students and their willingness to show up fully. It’s beautiful to experience the sense of connection that a yoga class creates and it really does fill me up when I get a chance to teach. To be a good teacher I believe I have to be a student first, and I’m grateful for what each one of my students teaches me. 

Thank you, Koula! You have enriched my life and so many others by your passion and ability.  

To start moving with me and receive all these benefits of yoga, join the Practice for an entire library of classes no matter your level of experience.