KatieGustafson.Co | The Practice

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Why Change Doesn't Have to Hurt

About eight years ago, I took a dear friend’s advice and made an appointment with this magical English woman named Linda Penny when I was visiting LA.  I still don’t know her official title, but Linda is most certainly a healer.  She uses all types of modalities such as kinesiology, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), and Reiki.  I’ve never seen so many oils, bells, and curious gadgets to sort someone out.  Without a doubt, Linda is off the charts intuitive.  

I’d been feeling incredibly stuck at the time and much of it was manifesting in my body.  Can you relate? Every night I’d wake up at around three a.m. with sharp back and neck pain that kept me up until around six when I’d doze back off only to jolt awake in 30 minutes thanks to my alarm.  

The body pain and lack of sleep created a depression cycle I simply couldn’t shake.  I knew the issue was emotional and at the same time felt like I had all the tools to work with.  So I called in the big guns, aka Linda Penny (whom I affectionately now call Money Penny), being one.  

That 90-minute session left an indelible mark on my life.  She said so many wise things to me, yet the one that really stuck was this: “You know, Katie, change doesn’t have to be painful and dramatic.  It’s really quite simple.”  

I don’t know if it was her charming British accent or the sweet relief I felt after all the heavy lifting to grow and heal the wounded places, but her words still stick to this day. 

Oftentimes when we find ourselves in stuck seasons, we resort to what seems logical—we work harder.  We armor up, think harder, clinch our fist, and full of determination—walk straight into a bigger pile of problems oftentimes affecting our physical health.  

Money Penny is spot on.  Change doesn’t have to be an exhausting uphill battle.  Rather, it’s more about getting back to the basics.  It’s making teeny, tiny changes, day in and day out.  It’s about practice.  It’s also about asking for help.  

This is precisely why I created the Practice, my online enneagram-based therapeutic toolkit.  We are about to head in to the second half of 2023 (gasp!). If you could use an affordable, practical, and gentle option to support you in your goals for this year, I hope you’ll join me in the Practice.  

Change doesn’t have to be difficult.  However, it does require a plan.    

I’ve got a roadmap. ;)

Let’s go.

Love &  Gratitude,
