KatieGustafson.Co | The Practice

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The Power of Three (and 30 mins a day)

We are rounding the January corner and heading into February with quite a spirited clip. 

How are you?

It’s such a simple question and yet one we must often pause to ponder...and answer.

For me, this pocket of time typically has one of two outcomes: I’ve lost sight of the hot flame that burned bright at the dawn of the new year, meaning, I’ve blown my resolutions altogether. Or, I have filled my time up with loads of distractions—busyness—that masquerade as purpose and real progress.

If you resonate, I’ve got good news: there is another way.

We need a plan. But not just any plan. One that connects us to the truest, most authentic parts of ourselves. One that is built on love and self-compassion, not fear and scarcity.

It’s not just a to-do list and it’s not about striving. It’s a practice that supports true self-acceptance and teaches us how to be with ourselves in order to show up for ourselves.

It’s three-fold.

Here are the three pillars of what I believe make up a fool-proof self-care regimen that will help you get unstuck and stay grounded in 2021:

  1. Meditation. Mindfulness exercises such as meditation are scientifically proven to reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep and overall functioning and bring awareness to what’s happening moment-to-moment so we can choose to consciously respond to life’s circumstances rather than react out of automatic, self-defeating patterns.

  2. Self-compassion.  I’ve learned first hand we simply can’t thrive if we’re constantly working against ourselves. Shame-based striving won’t cut it because we’ll constantly be hustling for our worthiness as opposed to growing from a place of self-acceptance and love. We need true self-compassion which teaches us to treat ourselves like we would a dear friend or family member in need. It’s only from this place of unconditional, loving-kindness that we can effect transformational change.

  3. Writing. Writing practices such as journaling are scientifically proven to reduce stress, increase confidence, metabolize difficult experiences and emotions, improve overall health, and boost mood to name just a few. However, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Writing gives us the space and intention to dream and discover ourselves. By carving out just 10 minutes a day to put our thoughts down on paper, we practice finding and using our voice. In doing so, we unlock greater clarity and purpose.

If this all sounds overwhelming, rest assured, it’s not! I’ve developed a plan just for you. It’s called The Practice and it’s a self-care program that combines all three. Best of all, it only takes 30 minutes a day. I’d love to support you as you discover and realize your most authentic, empowered self. Visit The Practice for more info or to sign up.