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Say Yes to the Scale (not what you think)

I’m not a huge fan of the scale in my bathroom.  In fact, I bought a new scale for the first time in ages when I found out I was pregnant with my son over two years ago.  For the first time, I found it a bit thrilling (if not bizarre) to experience my body changing and growing as it housed my now two-year old son, Tucker.  I mean, when else do we as women feel totally empowered to see that number increase? 

Today, I’m not talking about numbers or that kind of scale. 

There’s another scale I believe to be far more impactful to your health and  interestingly enough, has better metrics than the one in your bathroom.  In fact, not only will it help you feel better physically, but emotionally and  spiritually as well.   

Oh, and one more thing, it’s totally free and portable. 


I’ve spent my whole adult life in the pursuit of wholeness—integration, looking to find the solution to my own brokenness and ongoing battle with  depression/anxiety.  That was my story for a long  time.  I let the pain of sadness and victimhood define me while concurrently searching for  something “out there” that would solve the problems “in here.”  

Perhaps you identify with my journey.

When I didn’t find what I was looking for (queue U2  “Still haven’t found….”) I decided I needed a different approach.  This quest proved  to me that happiness was indeed, an inside job, one that was more spiritual  than circumstantial.  By spiritual, I mean the capacity inside each one of us to be receptive and open to something greater than us.. something really good.  

After all, numbers on a weight scale constantly fluctuate and even when they give you a sliver of relief, that relief is only temporary and can crumble with life’s inevitable challenges just hours later at lunchtime. 

What is this transformational work that can heal us from the inside-out?

It’s thought work, specifically, our thought scale.  And yep, you’ve already got one, you may not be aware of it though.

It’s been proven that we have the power to change our lives and circumstances  just by changing our thoughts.  Why? Because every single thought you think creates an emotion in your body which results in corresponding behavior.  These behaviors, over time, build out your life.

If I entertain self-defeating thoughts all day long, those thoughts produce low-frequency emotions such as fear, hurt, victimization, and on the lowest end of that scale, apathy.  As a result, my actions that follow correspond  with those emotions.  When I’m consciously aware of my thoughts, and choosing ones that are life-giving as opposed to limiting, the domino effect that creates in my physical experience is tangibly better than when I’m stuck in a pity party.   

Don’t worry, this is not about getting it perfect, it’s about becoming aware  of your thoughts and practicing a higher quality within them.  

For example, it’s moving up the thought scale from, “There’s never enough  time to do what I need to do,” to “I’m giving myself grace to do my best right now.” 

We don’t have control over all of our circumstances in life. We do, however, have control of how we think about our circumstances.  This matters big time.  

This week, I invite you to play around with: 

a) becoming aware of your thoughts as you have them, and 

b) practicing tiny shifts up the thought scale in order to help you feel better emotionally and physically.  

It’s subtle, so don’t go looking for a quick fix here.    

Are you ready to shed the weight of your nagging inner critic?  She’s heavy.  What thoughts promote willingness and curiosity in your life today?