KatieGustafson.Co | The Practice

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I've been dying to share this with you

I sincerely hope you are taking good care of yourself as we move through the holidays and wrap up 2020. It’s been a trying year for all of us, yet I feel a sense of anticipation stirring in my bones. Why? For several reasons, but namely, because I believe we have gone through the crucible of loss and pain that inevitably invites us to wake up.

I believe suffering has the ability to truly transform us into more compassionate, more spiritual beings. If we let it that is.

Not only that, but 2020 has been an invitation to take a long, soft look into the eyes of mental health as a more normalized and necessary conversation, and I’m so here for it.

So much so that I’ve created a really special gift for you.

Over the last decade of research, client work, and navigating the peaks and valleys of my own emotional journey, I’ve been creating a program I call The Practice.

The Practice is a specialized tool kit designed to support your journey of self-development and growth. It’s meant to take the guesswork out of self-care and is based on the premise that whatever we practice we improve. The Practice combines mindfulness and self-compassion with the Enneagram to help you achieve the lasting transformation you desire.

So, why mindfulness? Mindfulness exercises such as meditation are scientifically proven to reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep and overall functioning, and bring awareness to what’s happening moment to moment so we can choose to consciously respond to life’s circumstances rather than react out of automatic, self-defeating patterns.

What about self-compassion? I’ve learned first-hand we simply can’t thrive if we’re constantly working against ourselves. Shame-based striving won’t cut it because we’ll constantly be hustling for our worthiness as opposed to growing from a place of self-acceptance and love. We need true self-compassion which teaches us to treat ourselves like we would a dear friend or family member in need. It’s only from this place of unconditional, loving-kindness that we can effect transformational change.

Finally, why the Enneagram? The modern Enneagram of personality is the most powerful tool we have for deeper self-understanding and growth. It helps us understand more about our personality and deeper character structure, shining a light on limiting automatic patterns and beliefs that have been operating within us for years. As we wake up to our unconscious thoughts, feelings and behaviors, we are able to practically apply Enneagram’s wisdom in our lives and choose something life-giving and true.

Quite simply, The Practice will give you the tools you need to retrain your brain and body and actually befriend yourself in a way that leads to deep and lasting change by supporting processes such as resilience, integration, and motivation. Along the journey, you’ll experience the wholeness and freedom you seek.

I can’t wait to officially share this with you in early January! Stay tuned next week as I am giving away a free demo so you can take it out for a test drive.

Until then, I hope you and yours have a safe and very Merry Christmas.