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What actually *is* self-care?


We're told practically everything is self-care. How do you know what's legit?

It seems like everything can be termed ‘self-care’ these days.

Going through a bad breakup? Go buy yourself a new pair of jeans because it’s self-care.

Had a rough week at work? Spa day! It’s self-care.

In a fight with your spouse or your parents? Two bottles of wine with your friends. It’s self-care!

We’ve all been there. But the truth is, those “quick fixes” aren’t the answer to personal growth. In fact, they have the opposite effect. They help you tune out and ignore what’s actually going on.

Yes, they’re helpful for a few hours or even a whole day. But then you wake up a few days later still anxious about that same thing.

It would be amazing if those things worked long-term. Sadly, they just don’t.

Here’s the reality: if we want to work through things that are hard and not just work around them, we need to develop the right skills. Not only that, but we also need to have the right routine that will help us process things in a healthy way and truly exhibit self-growth.

It’s precisely why I'm co-hosting the Self Care Weekend Workshop with two amazing women, Allison and Koula. In a day and a half, we'll teach you the tools you need to develop a healthy, sustainable self-care practice. You’ll also leave with your personalized self-care plan that will help you achieve positive growth in your life.

You have everything you need to practice healthy self-care. At this first-ever, all-female workshop, you’ll learn how to tap into those things.

Things like...

  • A basic yoga and meditation practice to help you connect with your body and move stuck energy

  • Writing tools that will help you understand what’s keeping you stuck

  • A tool called the Enneagram to help you understand why you behave the way you do

When you combine these tools into a self-care routine that you can practice with consistency, your life will transform.

If you're in a season of needing transformation and positive growth, join me at the first-ever Self-Care Weekend Workshop. It’s just $499 for a day and a half of real, clinically-based self-care. Register today and I'll see you soon!

Love & Gratitude,
