KatieGustafson.Co | The Practice

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An Author, a Yogi, and a Therapist Walk Into a Bar

… well not really.  

But sort of! 

Here’s the deal.  On February 25, Ally Fallon, author and expert writing coach, Koula Callahan, yoga teacher and speaker, and myself will host the second Self-Care Workshop in Nashville, TN.  It will be a day of Enneagram exploration, writing, and movement, which in my mind is the trifecta of self-care: growing in understanding and compassion for your unique self and creating a foolproof self-care plan for the rest of 2023.  

Something I’ve learned along the way is we can’t truly thrive out of a place of lack and scarcity.  So often, we spin our wheels, hustling for worthiness and the next paycheck, taking care of everyone else’s needs around us, and coming up drastically short at the end of the day because we haven’t prioritized our own wellbeing.  When we lack a margin of time and energy, we constantly react out of emotion instead of responding out of intention and innovation.  

We need a plan.  We need support.  We need true self-care. 

I believe true self-care is really self-compassion: the proven practice of being kind to ourselves—creating a life we don’t want to escape.  It’s about really knowing, loving, and becoming the truest version of ourselves.  

So, when you attend the self-care workshop, you will:

  • Understand the 9 core Enneagram types

  • Learn more about your unique Enneagram type

  • Receive a specialized self-care plan for your unique type

  • Understand and develop a proven writing practice 

  • Connect to mindful movement through yoga flows 

  • Gain access to a community of support and ongoing accountability for continued self-care

  • Wrap it all up with a dance party happy hour 

Alright ladies, who’s in?  Registration goes LIVE this Thursday, November 10th.  Here’s where the magic happens.

Don’t miss this restorative and fun day.  I can’t wait to lead you deeper into Enneagram waters and support you in a daily practice that is truly transformative.  

Early bird rates apply now, so don’t wait!