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Palate Cleanser

Happy New Year!

We’re doing it! We’re about to cross over the threshold of 2023, showing up for ourselves all along the way. 2022 was a year of ongoing cancer-related surgeries and recovery for me, so launching into a brand new year feels especially poignant—and exciting!

There’s always the temptation to bite off more than we can commit to when considering New Year’s resolutions. Like I’ve said before, I’m convinced humans choose extremes over balance more days than not. We go all in, sink or swim, only to wake up a week later in too deep and grasping for air.

So let’s ease into it. Let’s hit the palate cleanse. Let’s listen to the gentle rhythms of our desires, our longings, our needs. Let’s partner with ourselves from a place of self-compassion, like we would a loved one we believe in and want to support. Let’s speak to ourselves with kindness and curiosity, turning down that harsh inner critic that keeps us small and hustling for worthiness. Let’s breathe more—slower and deeper than usual. I’m convinced we could all use a return to the breath and the body as a way of being present.

Let’s start small. And from that place of stillness and silence, we begin to etch out the tiny, two-degree shifts of growth and expansion that over time, create big breakthroughs. It’s often helpful to partner with a professional in order to gain greater support and accountability. If you’re looking to use the Enneagram as a part of your 2023 self-development, I’d love to help make that happen. You’re the expert at you, and I’ve got a detailed roadmap to get you from where you feel stuck to where you long to be.

No matter what you want to create in your life this year, I hope you’ll continue to journey with me. I’ve got some exciting stuff coming your way that I can’t wait to share.

In the meantime, do a little dreaming...a little playing. It’s time to let your true self take the wheel. She’s ready!