KatieGustafson.Co | The Practice

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It's my birthday! Let's have lunch...

Last week was my birthday! So, naturally, I’d love to invite you into a very special opportunity (over lunch!)

But first, I have a few bold off-the-bat questions for you:

  • Do you long for greater sense of community? New friendships? 

  • Do you want to better understand yourself and your relationships? 

  • Do you want to take your enneagram understanding to the next level? 

  • Do you desire a safe place to share some of your story? 

  • Do you want to unlock personal and professional opportunities?

  • Do you like the idea of group therapy, but over a delicious lunch?

I know, that was a LOT…

However, if you said yes to any of the above, you would LOVE my new Enneagram Mastermind group that starts up August 28th. It’s the perfect blend of deep connections, learning, fun, beautiful hospitality, and sharing sacred space as we move through an 8 month curriculum I’ve built specifically for this experience.  

Don’t worry, you don’t have to know a lot about the enneagram to join.  You don’t even have to be an extrovert either (big ole’ introvert over here:) .  Honestly, you just need to have a desire to connect in a deeper way to yourself and feel more seen and known in the context of community.  

Part of growth and healing requires relationship both with self and other safe people who have earned the right to hear your story.  Over the course of this group, we will build out that safety and trust so you can share parts of your story and how they have shaped your personality and core value system in a remarkable way.  

And if you know me, you know I’m all about editing and re-writing the parts of our stories that no longer serve us.  Yes, we will do lot’s  of this too.  

Get excited!  

Registration is open now, so be sure to save your seat at the table…