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Your Gift is Inside

I want to take a quick minute to say a huge thank you and Merry Christmas! 

Whatever your holiday traditions, it feels so important to me to take time out of all the busyness and hard work and celebrate those things that matter the most.  

After all, I fear as a culture, we’ve lost the art of celebration—and savoring.  

This month, as you may be in the midst of family gatherings, travel, or sneaking that third handful of toffee (I saw that 😊), I pray you take a  moment to celebrate the work you’ve done for you to untangle the false beliefs that have held you back in the past.  Isn’t that what we are tasked with on this glorious and often terrifying journey from the head to the heart?  Unlearning the stuff that doesn’t serve us anymore?  

Well I’m proud of us!  We’ve been unravelling nicely this year and it’s time to do the important work of sealing it all in with love and celebration.  

Something that’s been stirring inside me lately is how to cultivate more faith.  This season, I want to unearth the faith and awe I had as a child.  The simple, yet stunning wonder that was there from the very beginning.  I want to unlearn a bit of the fear I picked up along the way.  Sure, fear helped me survive for a bit, yet it has made my faith feel dim.  

Maybe it’s having a two-year old (or my overall space-cadet-ness due to chemo brain…and yes, it’s real.)  Whatever it is, I love the idea of detaching from some of the “grown-up” fear in order to rediscover the childlike faith that’s our God-given birthright.  

This is good news for you and me!  Why? Because it means we’ve already got everything we need deep inside.   We get to rediscover it this season, and perhaps for the first time.   

If this feels weird and foreign, don’t worry, it should—letting go of what’s familiar in order to receive what’s new can be!  Your brain is not used to it.

We’ll get there, together.  We’re building this supportive community that will only grow stronger in 2022.  

This month, however, let’s celebrate—and savor—how far we’ve already come together.  

Thank you for joining me.  For having faith and putting one foot in front of the other, often blindly, in order to give yourself the gift of time and attention.  It’s important, life-giving work.

You are a gift to me…and I can’t wait to see what’s in store for the days ahead.