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Your Freedom Starts Here

Let’s be honest. I have no idea what personal freedom looks like for you right now nor do I pretend to think I have any answers you don’t already know. You are the expert at you.

However, I do know what personal freedom does NOT look like for you or me or anyone for that matter. It does not look like your best friend, your mom, your therapist, some celebrity, or Instagram’s suggestions. Sure, feedback and wise counsel are important—the catch is, if you don’t have total buy-in, it stays just that—someone else’s well-meaning advice.

Here’s a question that might help steer your ship in the direction of greater personal freedom.

One year from today, if you woke up feeling full of excitement and purpose, what would be different in your life? What would be the same?

And here’s the clincher…


Take a few minutes to paint that picture either in your mind or a journal.

Maybe it’s a career change, a new relationship, financial freedom, physical health and energy, or maybe some much needed personal healing.

Whatever it is, I believe acknowledging this desire is the first and most important step.

The second? 

Saying “yes” to it. Every day.

When we align with our heart’s desires, powerful shifts start to happen on our behalf.

The follow-through seems to be tough though, right? That’s my experience. I believe this is because we lose sight of our ‘why.’ Or, perhaps our ‘why’ isn’t compelling enough.

I heard someone say recently that if your vision for your life only benefits you, it isn’t big enough.

Losing weight in order to have a healthier lifestyle and attract a new relationship is great…truly. However, we can go bigger. It will also allow you to feel more confident, contribute more value to the world, and attract more opportunities. It will help you show up in every area of life and be more present because you feel better. It will inspire others to follow your lead. We could go on…

In light of personal freedom, when your “why” is compelling enough, the follow through becomes tangible.

I love the fact that you and I are called to be the truest version of ourselves possible. I’m not doing anyone any good if I wake up each morning trying to fit into someone else’s story. I’ve been down that winding road. It’s exhausting.

So, what do you say we do a bit of decluttering this week and leave all the other noise behind? Maybe it’s time to get clear on your picture of personal freedom and make some lasting changes…

You ready?