KatieGustafson.Co | The Practice

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Your Enneagram Classroom Awaits You

This year has been integral for me in so many ways.  I won my battle with breast cancer and started a new business called The Practice.  Neither were by any means easy but I’m so proud of both.  It’s no coincidence that the year I faced the most daunting physical and emotional challenge, I launched my self-care passion project.  As I shared in last week’s blog, I’m 100% certain that my cancer journey was victorious due to years of my own self-care and a multitude of prayers.   I learned first hand, attitude is, indeed, everything.  

As we cross this 2022 threshold, I’m so thrilled to bring you a deeper dive into both self-care and the Enneagram.  I’ve got several opportunities for you to experience both! Over the course of the year, the founding members of the Practice gave us some vital feedback—more Enneagram  content!!!  So that’s what you’ll get.  The monthly subscription will give all the goods of the original program: daily journal prompts, yoga flows, guided meditations, expert interviews, and monthly support sessions PLUS core enneagram content each month.  We will explore concepts like growth paths, subtypes, wings, relationship styles, and more!

To love yourself is to first know yourself—to really understand the why behind how you think, feel, and act.  The Enneagram is the best tool we have for self-understanding and development.  Further understanding how to take care of you in all your glorious uniqueness is exactly what we’ll do! 

I’ll also be offering two exciting in-person opportunities to build your Enneagram toolkit.  Starting in February, I’m partnering with Nashville City Club to offer a monthly Enneagram Mastermind Group.  It’s a great opportunity to meet other professionals in the area and learn how to apply the Enneagram in your work and life.  

Lastly, Bloom groups are back! Bloom group is an enneagram-focused therapy group for women.  For anyone who wants a more affordable therapy option, groups are a wonderful option.  It offers a safe place to process the ups and downs of life and connect to other like-minded women.  It’s also an amazing way to use the Enneagram for healing and transformation.   

I’ve been studying and using this powerful tool for 15 years now and I can honestly say it has illuminated life and relationships in remarkable ways.  No matter where you are on your Enneagram journey, I believe you can find a place to go deeper with me in 2022!  I hope you’ll join…